Contact us via Telegram on: +44 (0) 7399779872
We train athletes. We train professionals. We train individuals.
UK's Leading Bespoke Personal Training Company

Find the Right PT London
Find the Right PT is a bespoke health and fitness service set-up by the founders of Train Dirty London. The main aim is to provide the very best health and fitness professionals to luxury hotels and apartments across London within 24 hours of your request.
Benefits of hiring a Find the Right PT fitness professional in London:
Are you looking for a personal trainer or fitness professional that fits the clientele of your luxury hotel and apartments in London? Find the Right PT is a unique online database that puts luxury hotels and apartments across the UK, Europe and Asia in touch with a diverse range of elite personal trainers and fitness professionals. Whether you're looking for a yoga instructor, specilaised personal trainer or rehabilitation expert. Find the Right PT guarantees that we have a fitness professional available to meet your specific criteria in 2018.
What countries are we currently available in:
United Kingdom
What health and fitness services can we provide to your luxury hotels and apartments in London:
Elite personal trainers
Yoga instructors
Nutrition experts
Rehabilitation experts
Group class instructors
DNA fitness testing
Gym plan designs
Elite marathon trainers
Boxing coaches
Contact information:
Tel: +44 (0) 207 6093012
Skype: @traindirtylondon